Our beginning - The Trust
CharChar began work as a small educational NGO creating and donating appropriately contextualised, graded reading books in English and Chichewa and a hard-back full-colour illustrated children’s English-Chichewa dictionary together with many other quality teaching and learning resources to Malawian primary schools, libraries and faith groups.
Teacher Training
Based on our findings from monitoring use of these resources, CharChar identified gaps in the literacy skills teachers and pupils needed to make full use of the resources, and so switched its focus to providing effective literacy-based training courses for primary school teachers, to ensure their pupils would be guaranteed a strong foundation on which to build their reading skills. These courses directly support the Malawi Government National Reading Programme, through an accelerated literacy intervention. The “Enhanced Delivery of NRP” was implemented in Standard 1 (Yr1) & Standard 2 (Yr2) in government primary schools in Blantyre Rural, Chiradzulu and Zomba Rural. By March 2020, this initiative was positively impacting over 4,000 children.

What's the letter sound Mr Lion?
Making a difference
Through these literacy interventions, CharChar is actively mobilising, engaging and empowering qualified Malawian teachers to ensure every child can enjoy their right to a quality education.

2007 - Charlotte's Legacy
Tragedy struck the Parker family in 2007 while on a walking safari, when Charlie Parker and her mother, Veronica were killed by an elephant.

Kelvin's Story
In 2007 at Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe, I found myself totally alone: my daughter Charlotte, just ten and a half, and her mother, Veronica, lost to an elephant attack; the guide, who had lead us into danger and ultimately tragedy, away for hours in search of help for a manifestly lost cause. My only mission then was to protect my family from anything in the park, to get them home to the UK, and to ensure their lives were never forgotten.
The CharChar Trust was that epitaph, of course, and in the first few days took shape as a natural extension of the family’s interests in education and helping where we could while we spent a few years in Africa. One of Charlotte’s last acts on leaving South Africa was to donate all her favourite reading books – including Lemony Snicket’s 13-volume “Series of Unfortunate Events” – to the local library so that other, less-fortunate children could read them, and Veronica’s was to donate her car to a township school so that they could transport disabled children to and from school.
So CharChar’s focus on reading, and the primary stage where children learn to read, seemed a perfectly natural choice. It was only a year later, when I returned to Hwange to mark their passing, that I realised just how much my early learning had helped me through those awful hours. The love, security, comradeship and optimism of the worlds inhabited by the heroes of Enid Blyton, Kenneth Grahame and the Boy’s Own comics that I devoured as a child had somehow supported me.
It was that early reading and family “education” that had helped me form an enduring life view, often a counter-intuitive view, but surely one that marks the difference between those who can fight on for something they believe is better and possible as opposed to those who simply give up to adversity. And that for me, and the people who give their time and talents to CharChar establishes the primacy of primary education: it can help create a life-view that is as much aspirational as factual and much more about character than knowledge, which comes later. By freeing and encouraging the imagination, early reading for pleasure allows children to develop the skills to transcend the moments of chaos and absorb them into the greater continuity of their own personal worlds of hope, aspiration and dreams – their life view.
I personally thank you for your interest in CharChar, and for caring for our cause, supporting Malawian children to have a healthy childhood, full of stories and worlds of imagination that inspire passions and hope. You make the difference. And for that, I am extremely grateful.
2007 to 2020 CharChar Trust
CharChar Trust

For a decade we provided educational resources to government and primary schools! Our resources are contextualised for African children and include: a wide range of colour illustrated graded reading books in English and Chichewa, a hard-back full-colour illustrated children’s English-Chichewa dictionary, erasable whiteboards and pens, flashcards, puzzles, posters, pencils and crayons together with many other quality teaching and learning resources.
2020 to Today
CharChar Literacy

Learning from our extremely successful pilot literacy intervention conducted 2018-2020 we made the decision to shift from an educational ‘trust’ and provider of resources, to a CIO (Charitable incorporated organisation) in order to be able to focus our expertise on teacher training, specifically early years literacy instruction.
Our expertise has been recognised by the Ministry of Education in Malawi which supports our literacy intervention programme and by Florida State University and USAID with whom we are proud to partner in a consortium with a mandate to strengthen teacher education and practices.
Our Future
We’re working with government, schools and universities to transform literacy education in Malawi. Will you join us to help the children of tomorrow learn the literacy and numeracy skills they need?
Our Vision and Mission
We envision a world where literacy and numeracy provide individuals the opportunity to become socially engaged citizens who creatively and productively contribute to their communities, transforming the countries in which they live.

Our Mission
CharChar works collaboratively to strengthen education systems through child-centred teaching and learning, educational training and development, community connections and research. The rich literacy and numeracy environment created by CharChar trained Specialist Teachers can provide the essential tools the children of Malawi need to build a brighter future.